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Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Soccer Camp

I find it funny how we project our own preferences on our children. Whether it is career choices or sports, I imagine all parents are guilty of this in some form.

Case in point: I am already drilling into Nicholas’ head that he is a Manchester United fan. I even envision him to be a United player. So much so that when I took him to his first “organized” soccer camp, I was looking forward to him playing well beyond his years.

I can see him now, snarling in the middle of field like the former Manchester United captain Roy Keane as the Irishman did while stamping his authority on the game. Or perhaps he will run through the opposing players like they are not even there like the wily, intelligent Welshman Ryan Giggs. Both are United legends and young Nicholas will be firmly on his way to being one too after this practice session.

So imagine my amusement when the coach said “Everyone to the white line. We are going to dribble the ball to the cones and back.” Everyone except Nicholas that is.

He took off running in the opposite direction, laughing the entire time. With me chasing him. As I got close he fell on the ground laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. After bringing him back to the line so we can complete the drill, he picked up the ball and took off again. You guessed it: I am right behind him; chasing him this time in a complete different direction.

So maybe the lucrative contract from Sir Alex Ferguson will have to wait a few years, decades even. For now I will just envision the little Pookster running, falling down and laughing with his Dad trying to catch up. All the while laughing too.

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