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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Prayer Story Part 2

Children are so observant and they do watch everything that we do. I always knew that but to have a real experience that provides confirmation of that exemplifies knowing something in theory and having practical experience in it. Of the difference between academics and real world experience. Until you see your child do or say something that you yourself consider routine, then the opening statement of this post will remain an abstract piece of theory.
After having the experience of Nicholas' request for prayer in the car in the prior post, I had another such experience that brought the theory to light. Early one morning while running late to a networking event, I paused so we could once again pray as a family before we left the house. We all held hands and Nicholas started praying. Now for most of the prayer we couldn't make out the words except somewhere in the prayer we heard him say "...... and Mommy and [Jodi]....... Amen".
Okay so Daddy got left out of the prayer but I was moved nonetheless. We make it a point to call names when we pray and he was copying that. Truly heart warming and made me glow within as I got my day started.

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