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Sunday, October 3, 2010

A little reflection

I love being a Dad. Said another way, I love being a father. Often times I reflect on the days my kids were born and remember the promises made to each one. I remember promising them the world, being the best father I could be. I was a proud beaming father on each of those three occasions, believing that I could move the world.

Now as the years roll by and I remember those promises made, I wonder if I am living up to them. I don’t have any regrets. But I do want to believe I am making good on those promises and my kids are getting the best father possible. Every once in a while I wonder how good a job I am doing.

I want to believe that I am not just limiting the imperfections, but actually striving for perfection itself.

Recently, I attended an information session for a start up non-profit that I was invited to be a part of and the speaker, as he presented his idea for the mission of the organization, mentioned that kids in general do not understand fully the sacrifices that parents make for them. Not until they become parents themselves.

I am inclined to agree but more importantly I wonder if as a parent I am sacrificing enough. Or if I am sacrificing in the right areas, making the right decisions. Life as a father is now a delicate juggling act because of all the hats I am required to wear. I have to ensure that amidst all the efforts in working and building a business to provide for my children’s needs and then some, I am not neglecting the essence of being a Dad. I would hate to gain the forest and realize that there are no trees in it.

I suppose my questions will be answered once my kids grow up. I know though in my mind now that I appreciate all the sacrifices my Dad made for me.

And it is times like now when I self evaluate, that I reiterate to myself to keep pushing that bar for perfection and maintain that balancing act.

And oh yes, when I look at and think of them, I still think I can move the world!

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