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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hearing the word "Daddy"

Probably the sweetest word in the English language is "Daddy", well at least to me. This resonated with me about five years ago when I called Angeline, who was in another room. She came flying around the corner and answered "Yes Daddy". The words bounced off the walls throughout the house and send shivers down my spine. To this day it still echoes in my head.

Hearing Jodi say "Daddy" in that soft voice is like a sweet song. Never mind that half the time she is really looking at Nikki when she says it. I still claim it because Daddy in any language is just that - Daddy. I will conveniently ignore the intent!

As far as Nicholas is concerned, I believe most times he says Daddy to verify that I am there. I suppose he finds it comforting to hear me answer "Yes Nicholas". Jodi, upon hearing her brother call out for Daddy follows suit so I then oblige with "Yes Jodi".

I remember coming home one evening and having all three children rush to the door. Angeline being the oldest was ahead of the pack shouting "Daddy's home" with Nicholas not far behind her. Jodi was bringing up the rear but not to be left out. That was a priceless moment that I often relive in my head.

I have to admit though that hearing Daddy is as much reassuring for me as it is for my children when they say it. In some ways I think it is an affirmation of my existence, of my importance to them and my defining moment here in the world.

I often think that it is poetic that one of the first words (or babble) from a baby is Dadda or some variation thereof. I think in my selfish mind that this is an equalising factor for fathers in the world of parenthood. See, mommies get to carry the babies for close to a year and in some cases go through the breast feeding process. The bond, the connection is there between mother and child simply by nature. Us dads are playing catch up and have to manufacture the bond we share with our children.

So we rub mommies tummy during pregnancy and try to burp the baby after mommy breast feeds (or bottle feed the baby in the case of those who do not breast feed) and we tell ourselves that we are bonding. And we are. It is just that we are miles away from the ground that mommies cover by the process of nature and pain.

So when Jodi looks at Nikki and says "Daddy", I make sure to answer.

That's right, I claim it. All along thinking to myself the entire time "Oh yes the sweet sound of the word Daddy!"

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