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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Conversation starters

I always find it interesting how mothers are able to generate a conversation out of thin air with other mothers. Somehow fathers don't seem to be able to do that. I have tried. But it just doesn't work. Funnily enough I have generated conversations with moms more easily than other dads I have tried this with. Perhaps dads are more protective? Well, not sure if as a dad I am more cautious or wary than Nikki is as a mom. I can't explain it. I just know that it is unlikely for me to walk up to another dad and strike up a conversation that lasts beyond 3 minutes. Meantime, Nikki can walk up to another mom and three hours later still be conversing. (Ok, so that probably wouldn't happen as at least one of the kids would need to go to the bathroom, or is hungry or is cranky or something, there is always something!)

In fact, I remember when we were looking for child care some time ago, we came up with a list of possible day care centers. Since I was going to be passing by one of these locations I told Nikki I would stop in to check it out. I did, but I also wanted to ask a parent what they thought so while leaving I walked up to a dad who was picking up his daughter (big mistake, should have picked a mom to survey!)

As I walked up he turned and looked at me menacingly. I thought he was going to go all John Rambo on me (remember him?) So I started talking quickly trying to get the words out. Of course that didn't help as he couldn't understand what the heck I was saying which made matters worse. Finally, I was able to convey that I just wanted to see how his child liked the school. His response: "She likes it. The office is over there go, check it out!"

Try that with a mom:

"Oh she loves it. They have the Abeka program which I love. Little (insert cute name here) particularly likes the circle time where they dress up and role play. They take naps everyday from noon till one but the older kids can stay up if you like......"

Three hours later: "........and my poor little (refer to cute name above) was crying and I was like where were the teachers. Nobody saw her fall on the playground. I am not taking her back."

(Rolls eyes, get the hell outta there!)

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